Lean management remains up-to-date: efficient processes and less material waste are not only economically sensible. In conjunction with employees who know what they are doing, it also has a lasting effect on the working atmosphere. Anne Heinig is responsible for this at KSG: Lean management is a cross-cutting issue, which is why she is optimally networked with all areas. She ensures smooth processes and the further development of the production organization. In an interview with pcb-blog.com, she provides insights into her day-to-day work and explains why KATA is not a knife.
Hello Ms. Heinig, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Why don't you start by giving us an insight into your day-to-day work: what exactly do you do as a Lean Manager?
Together with my colleague, I look at the work processes in individual departments to eliminate anything unnecessary. We don't clarify any technological aspects, but focus on the organization and implementation of improvements. Together with the team leaders, we try to scrutinize issues and look for suitable solutions. These can be, for example Analyzing material flows in order to improve the provision and collection around the machine and its processes. For example, the layout design of the machine park plays an important role.
In addition, we try to give our divisional managers the KATA method so that the trained knowledge can be used in the respective departments. This term comes from the sport of karate, where the athletes also fight according to a very specific pattern and these steps run as if on autopilot after a long period of use. It is a structured approach to dealing with a problem.
Another typical task is the morning tours of the plant. I accompany the area managers on these so that I am "up to date" on a daily basis in order to identify obstacles and solve them quickly. In addition, we process employee suggestions in which our employees describe the difficulties they have experienced and observed and suggest a suitable solution. Projects that have already been implemented are also monitored. In Lean Management, we are often the interface to many areas when it comes to solving problems.
Lean Management: From KATA, "5 S" and other methods
You have already mentioned KATA. What specific methods do you use in lean management?
We do not use one single method, as we incorporate many aspects of different methods into our work. We try to give lean management our own philosophy in order to simplify work processes so that we can work even more efficiently as KSG. Of course, we have certain tools that we use.
All tools are consistently geared towards avoiding waste and striving for continuous improvement. For example, we are working on 🖱️ "5 S" method more closely into our day-to-day work and thus gradually optimize our workplaces and processes so that we and our colleagues can work even more efficiently. We are also happy to use the 🖱️ PDCA method.
You've been with KSG for a little while now. What successes in lean management are you particularly proud of?
I started in 2019 and was warmly welcomed from day one. I was very quickly called in by the day-to-day supervisors to help find solutions to problems that arose in day-to-day production. Over the past few years, my colleague and I have trained over 80 KSG employees according to the KATA principle, helping to shape the thinking of middle management.
A recent example from production that I am particularly proud of was our project on material flow in the X-ray drilling area. We analyzed old data to gain an even better understanding of how the value stream of our printed circuit boards works. In the end, we were able to achieve remarkable improvements by rearranging some of the machines, for example through shorter routes and fewer intermediate stops. This not only reduces time and costs, but also reduces the risks in the value stream.

Interview: Anne Heinig - Lean Manager
Anne Heinig, born in 1988, has been with KSG in Gornsdorf since 2019. The mother of one son lives with her husband in Chemnitz and used to play volleyball in the regional league. Today, she still loves to exercise and spends a lot of time out in the fresh air cycling and hiking.
At KSG, I simply felt accepted after a short time.

How do you see yourself as a lean manager? Do you have a philosophy?
I see myself as an interface between the departments in order to ensure quality, increase efficiency and reduce costs, as well as to keep an eye on new technologies. I am always in contact with many managers and employees in production and therefore know early on where the shoe pinches. This also makes me and my colleagues "advocates" for the production employees and their learning processes. The aim is always to make all processes and tools as standardized and transparent as possible. This not only ensures greater efficiency, which pleases the management, but also greater safety in the workplace and a confident working environment - and that also makes everyday life easier for colleagues at the machines and ensures a good working atmosphere.
The great thing about my job is that no two days are the same - every day is different.
KSG Lean Manager Anne Heinig
Lean management meets sustainability - do they go together?
Definition: What is lean management?
Lean management is a generic term that encompasses all methods and principles for efficiently organizing a value chain. Customer focus and cost reduction are central to this, so that value is created without waste.
What does lean management mean in German?
The equivalent translation is "lean management".
Lean management also means reducing overproduction and making efficient use of available resources such as materials and time. Fit Sustainability and "lean" together?
Of course, we also try to think sustainably when it comes to our lean improvements, as it has become an issue for society as a whole. For example, we look at whether we can save resources or energy. The classic wastes such as overproduction and rejects lead significantly to higher resource consumption and therefore to higher costs. We also use value stream mapping to make all necessary resources such as materials, machines and employees transparent. This is the only way to make concrete improvements. For example, the reduction in throughput time also leads to a reduction in machine time and thus to energy savings.
What trends are you still focusing on in lean management? What are you planning for the near future?
Digitization is certainly one of the biggest topics, also due to the approach in lean management. In fact, we often start with an analog approach, recording with pen and paper so that all employees can understand the approach. However, digital tools can simplify many processes over time. For example, digital shift planning and handover are tools that we are currently planning.
However, our company's priority is the changeover to SAP. The many hundreds of colleagues in production have to learn a new system, which means that they first have to get used to it and need support until everything works as routinely as before. That's a lot of effort, but it's worth it to become more efficient and transparent.
Our last question! We now understand that you are fully immersed in your subject and that you live and breathe lean management. But how did you actually come to this and to KSG?
To be honest, when I graduated from Chemnitz University of Technology in 2014 with a degree in industrial engineering, I didn't expect to work in this field myself. I came to lean management more by chance.
After university, I worked as a research assistant. However, I wasn't happy with it because it was too theoretical. I quickly realized that I wanted to work in a team and in a more practical way. My previous employer brought me into contact with this for the first time. I actually worked in purchasing there and gradually started to adapt lean management principles. At some point, after my maternity leave, I wanted to take on new challenges: That's when I came across KSG by chance. I am now in charge of Lean Management and look forward to working in a practical way every day and tackling any problems that arise as part of a team.
And does everything really work so smoothly? Anne Heinig's line manager can only confirm that:

"Successful lean management means developing good solutions for complex contexts using accessible methods. The structured and patient approach of our colleague Anne Heinig contributes sustainably to performance improvements at KSG."
Robert Jungk, Head of Operations at KSG
Conclusion: For KSG, lean is a "boss thing"
Lean manager Anne Heinig demonstrates how lean management works: As a modern cross-cutting issue that requires close networking between all employees - whether in management responsibility or production. In addition to theory, this requires perseverance and an eye for the needs of colleagues. Only in this way can the concept of lean management really be put into practice and ensure continuous improvement - as is the case at KSG.
Is your company also "lean"? Exchange ideas with us! We look forward to your comments.