
For us at KSG, sustainability is more than just a concept - it is a continuous process that runs like a green thread through all areas of our company. With a comprehensive view of the big picture and a keen eye for detail, we ensure that we not only recognize value creation processes and sustainable corporate strategies, but also actively live them and continuously improve them.

We focus on the following core topics:

Environmental and energy management

Resource conservation and energy efficiency as well as reduced media consumption (e.g. water) - in relation to manufactured products - are particularly important for our sustainability strategy, but we not only look at internal processes, but also include the entire supply chain - from suppliers to transportation to our customers. Over the years, reusable resources (copper, silver, heat) have been successfully "harvested", used repeatedly and recycled in a CO2-friendly manner.

We as KSG GmbH participate in the energy efficiency network REGINEE Chemnitz and thus contribute to achieving the climate and energy policy goals of the Federal Republic of Germany.

KSG is committed to constructive, respectful interaction and dialog with all reference groups. This open feedback culture determines our actions now and in the future. As soon as we receive reports of deficiencies, violations or discrimination of any kind, we address these issues with the appropriate seriousness and discretion. We are only satisfied when a matter has been safely resolved.

House of knowledge

We are constantly expanding our knowledge and attach great importance to sharing this knowledge with our customers. Our strategy is to always be one step ahead. With training plans, our own R&D capacities and expert knowledge (from technical order preparation to waste water treatment), we ensure that we have the expertise we need for the future in the long term.

Our focus is not only on the printed circuit boards themselves, but also on the pursuit of knowledge leadership, innovation, LEAN culture, quality and environmental management and energy efficiency. Our own KATA teams generate process knowledge and improve workflows and processes.

Responsible and attractive employer

KSG's corporate culture can be summarized in a nutshell: Team spirit, passion, success orientation with respectful and human interaction. This creates a pleasant atmosphere, open communication and a high level of employee satisfaction almost automatically. This is felt by customers, suppliers, authorities, residents and municipal institutions and, of course, our employees. They all benefit from this and appreciate KSG's credible actions.

Not least because our statements are transparent, create trust and follow the principle of sustainability. We are a member of the ZVEI and actively live by its Code of Conduct. Apprenticeships and dual study programs, the targeted promotion of talent and the pool of young talent as well as tailor-made qualifications enable KSG to achieve sustainable personnel development.

Career orientation

Early career guidance (preferably in STEM subjects) is promoted through training fairs, job days and the "Open Company Week". Daycare subsidies, health promotion programs, open employee days at the company and joint events (e.g. Christmas party, sporting events and summer party) lead to a high level of identification with KSG's values.

Whether in Gornsdorf or Gars - we KSG employees are proud of our company traditions and sustainable personnel culture. Of course, occupational health and safety is also of fundamental importance. This includes preventing accidents at work and keeping risks low. The bar for safety is set very high. The right attitude to statutory and internally established rules plays a key role here. Our managers have always set a good example in this respect.

This is simply a matter of course for us: as a locally based company, we take our responsibility for people and society seriously. For this reason, we support regional projects and associations that are particularly active in youth work. We are happy to support kindergarten and elementary school projects where our employees' children feel well looked after during the day. We span the spectrum from daycare centers to colleges and universities. We have sponsored several German scholarships for years. And we support student projects such as the racing team of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ): 

Sponsor of the WHZ Racing Team

Formula Student is an international design competition in which student teams from all over the world compete against each other with racing cars they have designed and built themselves. Since 2016, the WHZ RacingTeam from Zwickau has been meticulously designing and manufacturing a single-seater, technically sophisticated racing car every year to compete against other teams from all over the world. However, it is not the fastest car that wins. At the top of the podium is the team that has brought the best overall package of design, racing performance, financial planning and sales arguments to the starting line.

For many, this is a unique opportunity to prove themselves internationally and practically during their studies. And that attracts people. More and more teams are enjoying the energetic event atmosphere. The Formula Student competitions are now held globally.


The WHZ Racing Team itself has been involved for 13 years now. Initially with a combustion-powered vehicle and for the last 10 years also with a battery-powered racing car.

KSG GmbH has been a loyal sponsor of the WHZ Racing Team since the 2014 season - for their self-designed circuit boards for the control units and HV circuit boards in the battery box. The WHZ Racing Team describes the collaboration as follows: "Our special requests could be met: unusual geometric shapes, special colors, rigid-flex PCBs, thick copper/Iceberg® PCBs for the stacks in the battery box or a quick production of subsequently submitted revisions were no problem. We would like to thank you for the many years of uncomplicated cooperation with a reliable partner who supports us in this student project and look forward to continuing our successful collaboration.

Sustainability: Social responsibility WHZ Racing Team Zwickau
Sponsors Activity KSG: Formula Student Projects

KSG is an internationally active company and, as a company with a long tradition, sees itself as having a responsibility to conduct its business activities in a socially responsible and environmentally friendly manner.

As a member of the ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association), we have signed up to the ZVEI's Code of Conduct. This code is based on internationally established standards and covers the following, among other things:

  • Compliance with the law
  • Prohibition of corruption and bribery
  • Respect for the fundamental rights of employees
  • Ban on child labor
  • Employee health and safety
  • Consideration of environmental protection and safety when handling hazardous substances
  • Prohibition of discrimination of any kind
  • Wages that correspond to the statutory minimum wage or the applicable industry standards

REACH is a regulation of the European Union. It was enacted to protect people and the environment from the risks that can arise from chemicals. This also includes improving this protection and at the same time increasing the competitiveness of the chemical industry throughout Europe.

As a manufacturer of electronic products, KSG GmbH is to be classified as a "downstream user" within the meaning of REACH. Our printed circuit boards are products and comply with the listed regulations and directives.

REACH stands for "Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals" and has been in force since June 1, 2007.

Here you will find detailed information on the REACH Regulation:

Regulation (EU) 2017/821 was published on May 19, 2017. It sets out the due diligence obligations that EU importers must comply with in the supply chain of certain minerals and metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. With this regulation, the EU wants to contribute to a responsible trade strategy for minerals from conflict areas. This means curbing armed conflicts that are financed by revenues from the minerals business in conflict regions. Quite simply by establishing responsible sourcing practices by EU companies for tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold from such areas.

As a responsible company, we do not source any raw materials known as "conflict minerals" from conflict-affected regions of the world. These materials are mined in Central Africa - primarily in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We expect the same strategy from our suppliers and regularly obtain confirmation of compliance with Regulation EU 2017/821.

You can find our detailed customer information on conflict minerals and conflict countries here.

KSG believes it has a responsibility to conduct its business in a socially responsible and environmentally friendly manner.
