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Tips for PCB design with copper elements (HSMtec) - Part 1

HSMtec cross section

In the design of HSMtec printed circuit boards with integrated copper elements, the design of the high-current conductors is generally recommended before the standard layout. The development process of an HSMtec PCB is divided into 10 design steps:

  1. Define mechanical characteristics: Determine the size and contour of the PCB
  2. Positioning power components: define short and simple paths for the high-current conductor tracks
  3. Define amperages: e.g. 80 or 110 A
  4. Define ambient conditions: Ambient temperature e.g. 60 °C and maximum temperature difference Delta T of 40 K
  5. Define the layer structure and copper layers: It is recommended to work preferably with mass inner layers and to flood all free areas on the outer layers with copper as well
  6. Calculate the required cable cross-sections in relation to the ambient conditions and layer structure
  7. Routing of the high-current conductor paths
    The basic rule for routing is: for each profile width, the conductor track must be at least 1 mm wider all the way around. Example: An 8 mm copper profile requires at least a 10 mm wide conductor track, 2 x 4 mm profiles parallel to each other require at least a 12 mm wide conductor track.
  8. Designing the copper profiles, e.g. with an auxiliary layer
    The KSG team will be happy to help you select the copper elements.
  9. Drill holes for high current and power components: Through-hole vias, thermovias - Microvias in the thermal path of the MOSFETs on the copper profiles. Microvias with a diameter of 0.1 mm and a pitch of 0.5 mm are placed in the heat pads of the MOSFETs, which make contact with the underlying copper profile. Place the thermovias around the heatpad of the MOSFETs, e.g. select a grid of 1.0 mm for 0.5 mm diameter thermovias.
  10. Routing of the logic part of the circuit

Steps 1 to 4 are defined by the developer, for steps 5 and 6 KSG offers a High current calculator or supports you with the KSG team with great pleasure.

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