#smartertogether for over 30 years: GE HealthCare and KSG Group in harmony with progress and quality

In a fast-moving world, trusting business partnerships are rare. So how is it possible to build and maintain a strong customer-supplier relationship over 30 years? One example of this is the successful collaboration between GE HealthCare and us, the KSG Group. We have been producing PCBs suitable for series production for various industries for over 64 years. Our high-quality KSG PCBs are used in GE HealthCare's Voluson product family - an innovative range of ultrasound devices. GE HealthCare is a global leader in medical technology. In the following interview we talk to Mario Schwab, General Manager Technology Woman's Health Ultrasound, and Gerald Seifriedsberger, General Manager Woman's Health Ultrasound at GE HealthCare about the successful cooperation and the role of KSG PCBs in ultrasound technology.

GE HealthCare and the KSG Group have been working together successfully for more than three decades. How did this come about?

Schwab & G. Seifriedsberger: The collaboration originally began with the Häusermann company in Lower Austria and was successfully continued with KSG after the takeover in 2017. A key role in our success certainly lies in the short production times for our prototypes. In addition, the close cooperation between the development departments of GE HealthCare and the KSG Group is a key factor. We strive to develop cost-effective products right from the design phase, utilizing the synergies and expertise of both companies. This close cooperation has often enabled us to find innovative solutions and respond quickly to our customers' needs.

What do you consider to be the highlights of the joint development work to date? 

M. Schwab & G. SeifriedsbergerEven in the initial phase, there was significant progress in development, particularly in the printed circuit boards for the RFM10 single-board projector former. In addition, technological innovations were implemented that led to a drastic reduction in the size of the circuit board. These achievements have had a major impact on our work and expanded our possibilities.

KSG PCBs can be found in the Voluson product family. What distinguishes this product range?

Schwab & G. SeifriedsbergerThe Voluson product family looks back on a long tradition and was a pioneer in the development of 3D and 4-D sonography. The ultrasound devices are the most widely used systems in gynecology and prenatal medicine. Through continuous and persistent further development, we have managed to establish ourselves as the market leader in this segment. This fills us with great pride.

What role do electronics play in ultrasonic devices?

M. Schwab & G. SeifriedsbergerThe electronics are the secret superstar in a medical ultrasound device. On the one hand, it has to generate impressive pulses with kilowatt power and, on the other, carry out voltage measurements with microvolt precision. This really is electronic wizardry! But here's the trick: for these magical powers to work, we need KSG printed circuit boards, as they function reliably for many years and are of high quality.

So what requirements must a KSG printed circuit board meet?

Schwab & G. SeifriedsbergerWith the ever-increasing integration of functionalities in the smallest of spaces, the cooling of electronics is becoming increasingly important and represents a fundamental requirement. In addition, the cost component plays a decisive role and demands consistency.

Ultrasound devices play an important role in medicine. Is the circuit board here the heart or the brain?

Schwab & G. SeifriedsbergerIf we think of the heart as analog circuitry and the brain as digital circuitry, I would say that the circuit board in an ultrasound machine is a combination of both. A high-quality ultrasound machine uses both low-noise analog signals and intelligent digital algorithms to get the best out of these signals. The circuit board acts as both the heart and the brain and plays a crucial role in the quality and accuracy of ultrasound diagnostics.

Interview: Mario Schwab - General Manager Technology Woman's Ultrasound at GE HealthCare

Interview: Gerald Seifriedsberger - General Manager Woman's Health Ultrasound at GE HealthCare

In your opinion, what characterizes our customer-supplier relationship?

Schwab & G. Seifriedsberger: The KSG Group has proven to be a close and reliable development partner over many years. Together we have succeeded in developing a first-class medical ultrasound device. The basis for our long-standing partnership is undoubtedly clear and transparent communication and a shared passion for progress. We greatly value our collaboration to date and look forward to continuing to tackle innovative projects together in the future.

Let's take a look into the future: What will be the next challenges in the development and production of ultrasonic devices?

Schwab & G. SeifriedsbergerImproving image quality will continue to be an absolute top priority in the development of ultrasound devices. We can also look forward to even more use of artificial intelligence, which will provide additional support for doctors during examinations. To realize all this, perfectly functioning circuit boards are required that are optimally suited for both analog and digital circuit technologies. We can't wait to see what exciting innovations await us on this thrilling journey.

A great collaboration that we at KSG will continue to foster in the #smartertogether spirit.
